Design Web

Productive webdesign workflow with Photoshop

This post is a collection of documents and tools that can improve your Photoshop workflow. It’s probably not useful by itself, but is a good place to start when you want to work more efficiently.

Javascript Technology Web Webstandards

Connecting mobile HTML5 to hardware

Initially, this article was supposed to be “How to add an external flash to a Firefox OS phone” but my project did not work out. The idea was to add an external light to the camera of the Geeksphone Keon, as it doesn’t have any built in. Unfortunately, I couldn’t complete the project, here is […]

Design Javascript Technology Web Webstandards

CSS Color Palette Extractor

There are already many web apps that extract colors from CSS. But none of them seemed to do what I need them to do. So I built my own. My goal was to create a tool that would help me consolidate the palette of an ever growing CSS. To achieve this goal, I needed a […]


Why your Dropbox alternative is not enough

Projects such as lipsync or SparkleShare are often considered as Dropbox alternative, especially by people who do not actually use Dropbox. Unfortunately, we’re still not there yet. Here’s why: most people usually always think of Dropbox as a syncing solution. But it’s more than that. Dropbox can: keep multiple versions of files; let other people […]


Soirée Performance Web le 21 juillet 2010 chez Octo

Éric Daspet organise une soirée sur le sujet des Performances Web le 21 juillet 2010. Sponsorisée par le cabinet de conseil Octo, la soirée aura lieu dans ses locaux à partir de 19h. Stoyan Stefanov, qui fait partie de l’équipe Exceptional Performance de Yahoo! fera une présentation de plusieurs techniques avancées pour améliorer la performance […]